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Manuella Oliveira
7 de mai. de 20211 min de leitura
Áudio - Trees in the Jungle
It rains a lot in the jungle. The rain helps trees grow. The jungle has many trees. Trees are home for many jungle animals. Many animals...
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Manuella Oliveira
7 de mai. de 20211 min de leitura
Áudio - What Rain?
She had watched the news last night. The weatherman had said it was going to rain today. It was going to rain all day today. She got...
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Manuella Oliveira
7 de mai. de 20211 min de leitura
Áudio - The moon
He looked at the rising moon. It was rising above the houses. It was big and orange. It looked bigger than the rising sun. How could it...
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Manuella Oliveira
29 de abr. de 20211 min de leitura
Do, Did, Will. ME 3
Comece hoje a estudar do jeito certo.
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Manuella Oliveira
29 de abr. de 20211 min de leitura
Do, Did, Will. M.E 2
Comece hoje a estudar da maneira certa.
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Manuella Oliveira
29 de abr. de 20211 min de leitura
Do, Did and Will - M.E 1
Comece hoje a estudar do jeito certo.
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Manuella Oliveira
28 de abr. de 20211 min de leitura
Apple – Maçã Apricot / Peach - Pêssego Cherry – Cereja Clementine – Mexerica Fig – Figo Guava – Goiaba Melon – Melão Orange – Laranja...
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Manuella Oliveira
28 de abr. de 20211 min de leitura
Toys - Brinquedos Ballon - Balão Ball - Bola Block - Blocos Doll - Bonecas Kite - Pipa Roller Blade - Patins Sand Box - Caixa de areia...
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Manuella Oliveira
28 de abr. de 20219 min de leitura
ONCE there was a gentleman who married, for his second wife, the proudest and most haughty woman that was ever seen. She had, by a former...
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Manuella Oliveira
27 de abr. de 20211 min de leitura
Beans - Feijões Beet - beterraba Broccoli - brócolis Cabbage - repolho Carrot - cenoura Cauliflower - couve flor Celery - aipo Corn -...
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Manuella Oliveira
27 de abr. de 20211 min de leitura
The body - P2
Arteries - artéria Blood - sangue Bones - ossos Brain - cérebro Heart - coração Jaw - mandíbula Kidney - rim Lungs - pulmão Skeleton -...
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Manuella Oliveira
27 de abr. de 20211 min de leitura
Men's Clothing
Bathrobe - roupa de banho belt - cinto boot - bota boxers - cueca boxe briefs - cueca button - botão de camisa cap - boné collar - gola...
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Manuella Oliveira
27 de abr. de 20211 min de leitura
The body
Ankle - Tornozelo Arm - Braço Back - Costa Behind, butt - BumBum Chest - Torax Elbow - Cotovelo Finger - Dedo Fingernais - Unha Feet -...
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Manuella Oliveira
27 de abr. de 20211 min de leitura
The Lion And The Mouse
A Lion lay asleep in the forest, his great head resting on his paws. A timid little Mouse came upon him unexpectedly, and in her fright...
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Manuella Oliveira
27 de abr. de 202114 min de leitura
The Ugly Duckling
IT was lovely summer weather in the country, and the golden corn, the green oats, and the haystacks piled up in the meadows looked...
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