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Áudio - I Want All of Them

Betty was excited. It was December 1. Christmas Day was only 24 days away. She was looking at a magazine. It was a magazine for little girls. There were many pictures in the magazine. There were many pictures of dolls. The dolls were from many countries. There were dolls from Mexico. There were dolls from China. There were dolls from France. There were dolls from everywhere. There were so many dolls. She showed the pictures to her mom. "Mommy, will Santa bring me all these dolls?" she asked. "No, honey," her mom said, "Santa will bring you only one doll. So pick the one you like best." "But, Mommy," she said, "I like them ALL the best."


Betty estava animada. Era 1 ° de dezembro. Faltavam apenas 24 dias para o dia de Natal. Ela estava olhando uma revista. Era uma revista para meninas. Havia muitas fotos na revista. Havia muitas fotos de bonecas. As bonecas eram de vários países. Havia bonecas do México. Havia bonecas da China. Havia bonecas da França. Havia bonecos de todos os lugares. Havia tantas bonecas. Ela mostrou as fotos para sua mãe. "Mamãe, o Papai Noel vai me trazer todas essas bonecas?" ela perguntou. "Não, querida", disse a mãe dela, "Papai Noel vai lhe trazer apenas uma boneca. Então, escolha a que você mais gosta." "Mas, mamãe", disse ela, "eu gosto mais de TODOS eles."


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