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Homework - Aula 2

Atualizado: 1 de nov. de 2021

Atividades FNI:

Em breve aqui para vocês

Perguntas para responder:

complete with by on in

1. They often travel .... car.

2. I don’t like to go ... a train.

3. You can buy a ticket and go ... a bus.

4. They often go ... foot.

5. People go to work ... car.

6. It is nice to go ... a taxi.

7. I have never travelled ... a plane

8. More people now go ... their cars than ... trams.

9. They prefer to go ... bike rather than ... foot.

10. When they went to the USA. They went ... plane.

Videos legais para assistir :

1 by

2 on

3 on

4 on

5 by

6 in

7 on

8 in, by

9 by, on

10 by

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