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David Runs a Marathon

Foto do escritor: Manuella OliveiraManuella Oliveira

David ran a marathon. He could not believe it. It was a big achievement. Running a marathon is not easy. David had to train all year long. David woke up every morning. He would put on his running shoes, drink a lot of water, and run out the door. David ran for hours. He stopped only when he finished. David ran again at night. He had a lot of energy. He never got tired. Running a marathon took a long time. David ran 26 miles and 385 yards. It took 5 hours and 30 minutes to finish. David was exhausted when he finished. He was really thirsty. He drank a gallon of water. He was still thirsty. David was happy. Running a marathon had been his wish. He could not wait to run it again next year.

David correu uma maratona. Ele não podia acreditar. Foi um grande feito. Correr uma maratona não é fácil. David teve de treinar durante todo o ano. David acordava todas as manhãs. Calçava os seus sapatos de corrida, bebia muita água, e corria para fora da porta. David corria durante horas. Ele só parou quando terminou. David corria novamente à noite. Ele tinha muita energia. Nunca se cansava. Correr uma maratona demorou muito tempo. David correu 41 km e 350 metros. Demorou 5 horas e 30 minutos a terminar. David estava exausto quando terminou. Estava realmente sedento. Bebeu um galão de água. Ainda estava com sede. David estava feliz. Correr uma maratona tinha sido o seu desejo. Mal podia esperar para correr de novo no próximo ano.

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