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Homework - Aula 4

Atividades FNI:

Em breve aqui para vocês

1- Answer with complete sentences. Comparative

  • Which is better, English or math?

  • Who is taller, your mom or your dad?

  • Who is smarter, you or your brother/sister?

  • Which is tastier, Coca-Cola or Pepsi?

  • Which is better, McDonald’s or Burger King?

  • Which is healthier, salad or pizza?

  • Which sport is more fun to watch, soccer or tennis?

  • Which animal makes a better pet, a cat or a dog?

  • Which is faster, a horse or a tiger?

  • Who is older, your mom or your dad?

2- Answer with complete sentences. Superlative

  • What’s the most interesting subject you study?

  • What’s the most delicious food you have tried?

  • What’s the most expensive thing you’ve bought?

  • Who’s the funniest person in your family?

  • What’s the biggest animal on earth?

  • When was the happiest moment in your life?

  • What country is the best place to live?

  • What is the funniest movie you have seen?

  • What subject are you worst at?

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