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Homework - Aula 8

Atualizado: 18 de out. de 2021

Atividades FNI:

Perguntas para responder:

What floor do you live _____?

I am ____ the office.

Are you ____ your room.

Meet me ____ the bus stop.

I am _____ the city.

I sit _____ the bed.

I sleep ____ the bed.

Put the paper _____ the table.

Videos legais para assistir :

The correct answer for question #1: on

The correct answer for question #2: both ( in - at )

The correct answer for question #3: in

The correct answer for question #4: at

The correct answer for question #5: in

The correct answer for question #6: on

The correct answer for question #7: in

The correct answer for question #8: on

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