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Learning to Roller-Skate

Foto do escritor: Manuella OliveiraManuella Oliveira

It was three o'clock. She was learning how to roller-skate. She had always wanted to learn. She could not afford to buy roller-skates before. Now, she was older. She had a job. She bought her first pair of roller-skates yesterday. It is never too late to learn anything. She was at the park. She put on protective clothing. She wore a helmet and kneepads. "Always safety first," she said to herself. She slipped on her roller-skates. She got on her feet and skated away. She held on a railing at first. It was scary wearing roller-skates. With practice, she improved. Days later, she was roller-skating naturally. It was so much fun. She tripped and fell a few times. She got up every time and tried again. She never got hurt. Her helmet and kneepads protected her from injury. Roller-skating was so much fun.


Eram três horas da tarde. Ela estava a aprender a patinar. Ela sempre quis aprender. Não tinha dinheiro para comprar patins de rodas antes. Agora, ela era mais velha. Ela tinha um emprego. Comprou ontem o seu primeiro par de patins de rodas. Nunca é tarde demais para aprender alguma coisa. Ela estava no parque. Vestiu roupa de protecção. Usou um capacete e joelheiras. "Sempre primeiro a segurança", disse ela a si própria. Escorregou nos seus patins. Pôs-se de pé e patinou. Agarrou-se a um corrimão no início. Era assustador andar de patins de rodas. Com a prática, ela melhorou. Dias mais tarde, patinava naturalmente. Foi muito divertido. Ela tropeçou e caiu algumas vezes. Levantava-se sempre e tentava novamente. Ela nunca se magoou. O seu capacete e joelheiras protegiam-na de lesões. Patinar a rolo foi tão divertido.

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