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The Popular Girl at School

She was popular. Everybody at school knew her name. She liked the attention. She was pretty. She had blonde hair. It was long and straight. She wore expensive clothes. She wore classy perfume. She put on pricey make-up. All the other girls were jealous of her. All the guys liked her. She was not interested in being a relationship with anybody. One day, her parents told her a surprise. They said they were moving. She was devastated. She moved the next week. They drove to Colorado. She went to a new school. She was not popular anymore. Nobody knew her name. Nobody liked her. No one was jealous of her. She was just an ordinary girl now. She was sad at first. She soon felt happy. It was a nice change. It was nice being a regular person. She did not miss being popular anymore.

Ela era popular. Toda a gente na escola sabia o seu nome. Ela gostava da atenção. Ela era bonita. Tinha cabelo loiro. Era comprido e liso. Usava roupas caras. Usava perfume de classe. Usava maquiagem cara. Todas as outras meninas tinham ciúmes dela. Todos os rapazes gostavam dela. Ela não estava interessada em ser uma relação com ninguém. Um dia, os seus pais disseram-lhe uma surpresa. Disseram que se estavam a mudar. Ela ficou arrasada. Ela mudou-se na semana seguinte. Foram de carro para o Colorado. Ela foi para uma nova escola. Ela já não era popular. Ninguém sabia o seu nome. Ninguém gostava dela. Ninguém tinha ciúmes dela. Ela era agora apenas uma menina normal. No início, ela ficou triste. Logo se sentiu feliz. Foi uma boa mudança. Foi bom ser uma pessoa normal. Ela não sentia mais a falta de ser popular.

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